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This section presents the API of the automatically generated contract binding.

The Completium CLI command to generate a contract binding from the contract is:

completium-cli generate binding-ts

When using the create project command, binding generation is done with the following command (see here for more information):

npm run gen-binding


The binding class provides the deploy method to create a new instance of the contract on the configured network (see here for network configuration).

The deploy method takes as many arguments as the number of contract parameters, plus a Parameters object to set the originator account and optionally the initial value of contract balance.

For example, consider the following contract :

archetype example(owner : address)

variable s : string = "Hello binding"

entry set(v : string) { s := v }

The following example illustrates how to deploy it:

import { example } from `./binding/example.ts`

const alice = get_account('alice')

await example.deploy(alice.get_address(), { as : alice })
// display newly deployed contract:
console.log(await example.get_address())

The method is named originate when binding is generated from a Michelson contract.

Storage getters

A getter method is generated for each storage element. Its name is made of prefix get_ followed by the storage element name. It does not take any argument, and the method is asynchronous (must be called with await keyword).

It returns the storage value. Its type is the type mapped from the Archetype (or Michelson) one as presented in this table.

For example, consider the following elementary Michelson contract whose storage is made of a string value s and a nat value n:

storage (pair (string %s) (nat %n));
parameter unit;
code { CDR;
NIL operation;

The generated contract binding class in example.ts provides with two getter methods get_s and get_n. They are used for example as follow:

import { example } from `./binding/example.ts`

// ... deploy contract

// read storage
const s = await example.get_s() // s is typed string
const n = await example.get_n() // n is typed Nat

Big Map

Big map storage elements (either big_map, iterable_big_map or asset to big_map) are an exception to the rule above. For each big map storage element, two functions are generated:

  • a function that checks whether a big map has a given key value. It name is has_ followed by the storage element name and _value. Its argument is the key value. It returns a boolean value.
  • a function that retrieves the value associated to a key. It name is get_ followed by the storage element name and _value. Its argument is the key value. It returns the value associated to the key, or undefined if not found.

For example, consider the following loan asset declaration:

asset loan identified by id to big_map {
id : string;
subscriber : address;
principal : tez;
interest : rational = 2%;
creation : date = now;

The following two functions are generated:

  • async has_loan_value(key: string): Promise<boolean>
  • async get_loan_value(key: string): Promise<loan_value | undefined>

The loan_value corresponds to the asset_value<loan> archetype type. See below for more information.

Entry points

An asynchronous call method is generated for each entry point. Its name is the same as the contract's. It takes the same arguments as the contract's, plus a Parameters object to set the caller account and optionally the amount of tez sent. It returns a CallResult value.

For example, consider the following contract:

archetype example(owner : address)

variable s : string = "Hello binding"

entry set(v : string) { s := v }

The code below illustrates how to call the set entry point:

import { example } from `./binding/example.ts`

// ... deploy ...

await example.set("Hello Documentation!", { as : alice })


A special treatment is operated for getter entry points. The difference with the call to entry point described above is the return value: it returns the callback value returned by the getter.

For example, consider the following getter entry point:

archetype example

getter getBar(s : string) : nat {
return length(s)

The following code calls the getBar entry point:

const l = await example.getBar("Hello getter", { as : alice })
assert(l.equals(new Nat(12)))

Entry points' parameters

An asynchronous method is generated for each entry point to get the transaction parameter corresponding to the call to the entry point. Its name is made of the prefix get_, followed by the entry point name and suffixed by _param. It takes the same arguments as the contract's entry point.

The transaction parameter is then used as an argument of exec_batch for batch execution of several entry points.

With the same example as above, consider the following contract:

archetype example(owner : address)

variable s : string = "Hello!"

entry set(v : string) { s := v }

The code below illustrates how to call the set entry point:

import { example } from `./binding/example.ts`

await example.deploy({ as : alice })

const set_param1 = await example.get_set_param("Hello Documentation!", { as : alice })
const set_param2 = await example.get_set_param("Hello Binding!", { as : alice })
// exec batch
await exec_batch([set_param1, set_param2], { as : alice })

const s = await example.get_s()
assert(s == "Hello Binding!")


An asynchronous method is generated for each contract's view. Its name is prefixed with view_, followed by the name of the view. It takes the same arguments as the contract's view, plus a Parameters object to set the caller account and optionally the amount of tez sent.

It returns a promise of the view's returned value.

For example, consider the following contract:

archetype example(owner : address)

variable s : string = "Hello!"

view get_s() { return s }

The code below illustrates how to call the get_s view:

import { example } from `./binding/example.ts`

await example.deploy({ as : alice })

const s = await example.view_get_s()

assert(s == "Hello!")


The expect_to_fail function is used to check that a call to a contract entry point fails as expected. Its second parameter is an error of Micheline type.

Contract errors from sections or issued by divergent instructions, are generated in the binding object as the errors field.

For example, consider the following contract:

archetype example

variable s : string = "Hello!"

entry set(v : string) {
require {
r0 : length(v) < 10
effect { s := v }

The code below illustrates how to setup a test that is expected to fail with r0 requirement:

import { example } from `./binding/example.ts`
import { expect_to_fail, get_account } from '@completium/experiment-ts'

const alice = get_account('alice')

await example.deploy({ as : alice })

async expect_to_fail(async () => {
await example.set("This is a too long message", { as : alice })
}, example.errors.r0)


A class and a register method are generated for each event declaration. The class name is the same as the event's name and it has the same fields.

The register method's is prefixed with register_ followed by the event name. It takes one argument that is a callback function called each time the event is emitted. It uses the event listener package. See here for an example.


The event listener is not available in mockup mode. See below for more information about how to work with events in mockup mode.

In mockup mode, events are available in the CallResult object returned by the call to an entry point. The events field is the list of events emitted by the call to the entry point.

For example, consider the following entry point:

archetype example

event HelloEvent {
msg : string

entry exec() {
emit<HelloEvent>({ "Hello from exec!" })

The following code illustrates how to test the event emission:

const ref_event = new HelloEvent("Hello from exec!")
const res = await example.exec({as : alice});
assert( == 1)
const res_event = HelloEvent.from_mich([0].payload);

Type bindings

This section presents how Archetype/Michelson types are bound to Typescript types.





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An Archetype tuple (or a Michelson pair) is mapped to a Typescript tuple.

For example, consider the following tuple value in Archetype:

const t : (nat * string) = (0, "a string");

The t value is then mapped to the following TS value:

const t : [ Nat, string ] = [ 0, new Nat("a string") ]


An Archetype (Michleson) map is translated in Typescript as an array of pairs. It cannot be straightforwaldy associated to a Typescript Map as the Map's key type is limited to native type with natural order (such as string or number).

For example, consider the following Archetype map:

variable ledger : map<address, int> = []

It is translated to Typescript as:

const ledger : Array<[ Address, Int ]> = []

The following code is to retrieve the value in third position:

const v = ledger[2][1]

The lookup function to retrieve a value from a key is not provided.


A class is generated for each record declaration found in the Archetype contract. Its name is the same as the declaration's. A public class member is created for each record field, with the same name and a type mapped from the table above. The class constructor has one argument per record field, in the order of record declaration.

For example, consider the following record declaration:

record person {
first : string;
last : string;
age : nat;

Then a new person class is constructed with the code below:

const albert = new person("Albert", "Michelson", new Nat(170))

Fields may then be accessed like:

console.log(`Hello ${albert.first} ${albert.last}`) // "Hello Albert Michelson"


An asset collection is translated to an array of pairs of the asset key and the asset value. The asset value is translated to a class, in the same way as a record. Its name is the name of the asset suffixed by _value.

For example, consider the following asset:

asset loan identified by id {
id : string;
subscriber : address;
principal : tez;
interest : rational = 2%;
creation : date = now;

The typescript type for the asset collection is:

Array<[ string, loan_value ]>

The constructor of loan_value takes the same fields as the loan asset value. The code below illustrates how to create an instance of loan_value:

const lv = new loan_value(
new Tez(10),
new Rational("3.14"),
new Date()

The lookup function to retrieve an asset value from a key is not provided.


A class is generated for each enum declaration. Its name is the same as the declaration's. This class inherits from the abstract Enum class. A class extend the enum class is generated for each enum's named label. The named label class's constructor has the same arguments as the declaration's.

For example, consider the following enum declaration:

enum float =
| Pos<nat * nat>
| Neg<nat * nat>
| Zero

Then the following classes are generated:

  • float class that extends Enum
  • Pos class that extends float
  • Neg class that extends float
  • Zero class that extends float

It may be used as:

const p : sign = new Pos(new Nat(3), new Nat(5))
const n : sign = new Neg(new Nat(6), new Nat(3))
const z : sign = new Zero()


There is no dedicated type to lambda values. The default lower-level type Micheline is then used.

The code below, extracted from the Multisig contract, illustrates the creation of a lambda as a JSON Micheline value:

const getCode = (
dest: Address,
entrypoint: string,
typ: string,
value: string): Micheline => {
const input = `{
NIL operation;
PUSH address "${dest.toString()}";
CONTRACT %${entrypoint} ${typ};
{ PUSH string "EntryNotFound";
{ };
PUSH mutez 0;
PUSH ${typ} ${value};
return expr_micheline_to_json(input)

The expr_micheline_to_json function is used to convert a string to a Micheline value.