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Completium CLI

Completium CLI is the command line utility to install Archetype compiler and manage contracts (deploy, call).

Install it and initialize its configuration:

$ npm install -g @completium/completium-cli
$ completium-cli init


By default, Completium-CLI uses the JS version of Archetype compiler.


The JS version of Archetype compiler fails when the contract reaches a certain size. It is recommended to use the docker container or the binary version of the compiler.

Switch back to JS compiler from other compiler modes (docker, binary) with:

completium-cli set mode archetype js


Install Docker container of Archetype compiler with:

completium-cli install archetype

This requires docker to be installed, and will download the latest version of Archetype compiler .


This command runs docker command docker pull completium/archetype:latest, hence it also updates to the latest version of Archetype compiler.


It is possible to configure Completium CLI to use a binary version of the Archetype compiler.

Switch to binary compiler:

$ completium-cli set binary path archetype <PATH_TO_ARCHETYPE_BIN>
$ completium-cli set mode archetype binary

Utility commands

It is possible to open a menu to switch archetype install 'mode':

$ completium-cli switch mode archetype
Current archetype mode: binary
? Switch archetype mode …
▸ docker

Select mode with up/down arrows, then press enter.

Print Archetype's install 'mode' with:

completium-cli show mode archetype

Print current version of Archetype compiler with:

completium-cli archetype version

VS code extension

It is recommended to develop Archetype contracts with VS Code and the Archetype extension.

The extension provides:

  • syntax highlighting
  • inlined errors (syntax, types, ...)
  • compiler command (Archetype: Generate Michelson)


Like Completium CLI, the Archetype extension uses by default the JS version of Archetype compiler.


The JS version of Archetype compiler fails when the contract reaches a certain size. It is recommended to switch to the docker container or to the binary version of the compiler.


This requires docker to be installed:

  1. install the latest container of Archetype compiler with docker pull completium/archetype:latest
  2. go to VS Code Settings, search for Archetype: Archetype Mode and select docker


The process is as follows:

  1. install the binary version of archetype compiler
  2. go to VS Code Settings:
    1. search for Archetype: Archetype Bin and fill the path of Archetype compiler
    2. search for Archetype: Archetype Mode and select binary

Install Binary

There are 3 ways to install the binary compiler.


Download the binary compiler from the github release page. It is available for the following platform:

  • Linux (x64)
  • Macos (arm64)


Install with opam:

opam install archetype

From source

Requires opam to be installed:

git clone -b master
cd archetype-lang
make build-deps
eval $(opam env)
make all

Check Binary

In order to check if the binary is working, this following command print the version of archetype:

_build/default/src/compiler.exe -v