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Basic containers


A set is a container of elements, where an element can only be contained once.


Adds an element to a set

Removes an element from a set

Adds or removes an element from a set

Iterates over set elements


Adds an element to set

Removes an element from set

Adds or removes an element from set

Tests if set contains an elements

Number of element in set

Makes set from literal


A list is a container of elements, where elements are in the order they are added.


Adds first element to list

Reverse list's element order

Concatenates two lists

Iterates over list elements

Controls execution flow based on list structure


Tests if an element is in list

Number of elements in list

Adds first element to list

Reverse list's element order

Concatenates two lists

Nth element of list

N first elements of list

N last elements of list

Maps list elements

Makes list from literal

Controls expression value based on list structure


A map associates one key to one value.

Besides basic map there are two other maps type:

  • big_map to store large collections of non iterable key-value pairs
  • iterable_big_map for a large iterable collection of key-value pairs

Below is the list of map-related instructions and operators.

Note that for instruction and length builtin are not available for big_map type.


Associates key to value

Removes key from map

Adds key or removes key from map

Iterates over map's key-value pairs


Returns value associated to key in map

Associates key to value

Removes key from map

Adds key or removes key from map

Tests if a key is in map

Number of keys in map

Makes map from literal

Maps key value pairs in map