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Composite types


A tuple is a fixed-length list of values of different types.

For example:

const p = (0, "a string");

p is a pair of a nat and string values, typed nat * string.

Find more information in the Declaration section.

Below is the list of tuple-related instructions and operators.


Assigns a value to a tuple dimension

Increments a tuple dimension

Decrement a tuple dimension

Multiplies a tuple dimension

Divides a tuple dimension

Applies logical conjonction to a tuple dimension

Applies logical disjunction to a tuple dimension


Accesses a tuple dimension


A record is fixed-length list of named values of different types.

For example, a person record is declared as follows:

record person {
first : string;
last : string;
birth : date;

Find more information in the Declaration section.

A literal for the person record is for example:

const p = {
first = "Albert";
last = "Michelson";
birth = 1852-12-19

Below is the list of record-related instructions and operators.


Assigns a value to a field record

Increments a field record

Decrement a field record

Multiplies a field record

Divides a field record

Applies logical conjonction to a field record

Applies logical disjunction to a field record


Copies a record with field assignments

Accesses a record's field


An enumeration is an union of named label types.

For example, float is either Pos, Neg or Zero:

enum float =
| Pos<nat * nat>
| Neg<nat * nat>
| Zero

Find more information in the Declaration section.

Literals for the sign enumeration are:

const p = Pos((6, 5));
const n = Neg((3,2));
const z = Zero;

Below is the list of enumeration-related instructions and operators.


Controls execution flow based on enumeration value


Controls expression value based on enumeration value