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Global Constants

register global constant is the command to register a new global constant. It displays the hash value of the global constant to be used in the contract by the global_constant builtin.

completium-cli register global constant <MICHELSON DATA> [--as <CALLER_ADDRESS>]

For example:

$ completium-cli register global constant 'Pair 2 1'
Global address: exprungfiFAFCszmNHNCDMtNkxiiHDpJUp128aLCJ5YxdsQZmyYt6S

Deploy / originate

deploy is the command to originate an archetype contract (with file extension .arl), and originate is the command to originate a michelson contract (with file extension .tz).

$ completium-cli (deploy <FILE.arl> | originate <>) \
[--as <ACCOUNT_ALIAS>] \
[--named <CONTRACT_ALIAS>] \
[--parameters <PARAM> ] \
[--amount <AMOUNT>(tz|utz)] \
[--metadata-storage <PATH_TO_JSON> | --metadata-uri <VALUE_URI>]
--asDeploys with specified account. Default account is the one returned by command completium-cli show account.
--nameNames deployed contract with specified logical name. Logical name is used to refer to contract when calling or displaying contract.
--parametersSpecifies archetype parameter values (only with archetype contract)
--amountAmount of XTZ to sent when deploying contract.
--metadata-storageAdds metadata to contract from json file (only with archetype contract).
--metadata-uriAdds metadata to contract from uri (only with archetype contract).
--initOverwrites contract initial storage with Michelson value.
--forceDoes not prompt for parameter validation.

For example:

$ completium-cli deploy mycontract.arl --amount 15.5tz

This creates a contract alias mycontract.


The following archetype contract requires one parameter fee when deployed:

archetype payment(fee : tez)

variable amount : tez = 150tz

entry pay(seller : address) {
transfer (amount - fee) to seller

The command to deploy:

$ completium-cli deploy payment.arl --parameters '{ "fee" : "5tz" }'


One way to set metadata is to provide a json file as the --metadata-storage argument.

For example the following metadata file:

$ cat fa12_metadata.json
"symbol": "MTK",
"name": "MyToken",
"decimals": "1",
"description": "description of MyToken",
"thumbnailUri": ""

Then the command to deploy the FA 1.2 contract:

$ completium-cli deploy fa12.arl --metadata-storage fa12_metadata.json


show info

It is possible to show data related to a contract alias:

$ completium-cli show contract <CONTRACT_ALIAS>

For example:

$ completium-cli show contract demo
Name: demo
Network: edo
Address: KT1CQmaCLLdEQ3X9PmxoqEAy3Xusvs1J5wW1
Source: /home/dev/.completium/sources/demo.arl
Language: archetype
Version: 1.2.2

show contracts

The following command lists all contracts managed by $completium-cli:

completium-cli show contracts

show source

It is possible to show the contract source with:

$ completium-cli show source <CONTRACT_ALIAS>

show entries

completium-cli show entries <CONTRACT_ADDRESS|CONTRACT_ALIAS>

The command also works with a remote contract address:

completium-cli show entries KT1EFgRdrT4r6QLx2riZiPNHjo7gcQM8n7f7
%confirm (_ : unit)
%submit (%ckey : address, %pscore : int)
%decide (_ : unit)

show storage

It is possible to show contract's storage:

$ completium-cli show storage <CONTRACT_ALIAS|CONTRACT_ADDRESS>

or in json format:

$ completium-cli show storage <CONTRACT_ALIAS|CONTRACT_ADDRESS> --json

For example:

$ cat simple.arl
archetype simple
variable v : nat = 0
entry setvalue(p : nat) { v := p }

$ completium-cli deploy simple.arl
? simple already exists, overwrite it? Yes
Originate settings:
network : granada
contract : simple
by : admin
send : 0 ꜩ
storage : 0
total cost : 0.082488 ꜩ
? Confirm settings Yes
Forging operation...
Waiting for confirmation of origination for KT1WVrMD4RWVEkW9gWqH4ntEMNBckG7Lucm8 ...
Origination completed for KT1WVrMD4RWVEkW9gWqH4ntEMNBckG7Lucm8 named simple.

$ completium-cli call simple --arg '{ "p" : 2 }'
Call settings:
network : granada
contract : simple_nat
by : admin
send : 0 ꜩ
entrypoint : default
argument : 2
total cost : 0.000532 ꜩ
? Confirm settings Yes
Forging operation...
Waiting for ooGRwqf9GKYsvvggiyqYEF1xRqa9gnXcQDvJJjDt73M1yTrmyAV to be confirmed...
Operation injected:

$ completium-cli show storage simple

$ completium-cli show storage simple --json
{ "int" : 2 }



The call command presented below is suitable for quick tests. For process automation, it is strongly recommended to use the binding generation feature and a Node.js program.

$ completium-cli call <CONTRACT_ADDRESS|CONTRACT_ALIAS> \
[--as <ACCOUNT_ALIAS>] \
[--entry <ENTRYPOINT>] \
[--arg <ARG>] \
[--arg-michelson <MICHELSON_ARG>] \
[--amount <AMOUNT>(tz|utz)] \
--asDeploys with specified account. Default account is the one returned by command completium-cli show account.
--entryName of the entrypoint to call. Must be omitted if the contract has only one entrypoint.
--argSpecifies entrypoints parameter values (see example below).
--arg-michelsonSpecifies entrypoints parameter values in Michelson format.
--amountAmount of XTZ to sent when calling contract.
--forceDoes not prompt for parameter validation.

For example, if mycontract.arl defines a (non-unique) entry point payback:

entry payback (i : int, n : nat) {
// ...

The command to call the entry is:

$ completium-cli call mycontract --entry payback --arg '{ "i" : -4, "n" : 5 }'


This section presents exemples of parameter and argument values to pass to deploy --param and call --arg commands.

Archetype typeMichelson typeValue examples
intint5, -10
datetimestamp"1629965551", "2022-01-01T12:00:00Z"
boolbooltrue, false
rationalpair int nat[-5, 2]
tezmutez5000000, "5tz", "5000000utz"
int * stringpair int string[-5, "hello"]
option<int>option intnull (for none), 1 (for some(1))
or<int, string>or int string{ "kind" : "right", "value" : "hello" }
list<string>list string["world", "hello"]
set<string>set string["hello", "world"] (mind order)
map<nat, string>map nat string[{ "key" : 0, "value" : "value for 0" }, { "key" : 1, "value" : "value for 1" }] (mind order)
asset myasset { id : nat, value : string }map nat string[{ "key" : 0, "value" : "value for 0" }, { "key" : 1, "value" : "value for 1" }] (mind order)